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Webinaire IPVF UNITE – Le CIGS

Flexible, light and efficient photovoltaic panels – the promise of CIGS Watch a replay of our latest webinar – ☀ CIGS exhibits high conversion efficiencies, both in the laboratory and in production. This high efficiency, coupled with long-term stability, makes it uniquely positioned to play a central role in the global renewable energy sector. CIGS is suitable for the production of lightweight, flexible, semi-transparent, and custom-shaped solar products. Construction materials such as building facade

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SIRTA and IPVF join forces to test new generation perovskite PV modules

Perovskites solar cells are the rising stars of photovoltaics (PV) with great promises ahead, especially in their association with silicon solar cells to create tandem PV modules exceeding standard PV module existing efficiency limit (~25 %). Nonetheless, perovskites solar cells and modules do not meet yet the stability and reliability requirements, especially when compared and/or associated with silicon solar cells. Researchers are working hard on developing stability and reliability protocols enabling the assessment of perovskite-based devices’ long-term performance. This step is crucial for their

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Vers des modules solaires tandem pérovskite/silicium de 16 cm²

La communauté scientifique mondiale poursuit ses efforts pour proposer des technologies qui amélioreront à la fois l’efficacité des modules solaires photovoltaïques mais aussi sa durée de vie, dans le but de réduire les coûts et proposer des produits performants à des prix compétitifs.Dans ce concert d’innovation, l’IPVF se place au front de l’excellence scientifique et technologique et mène notamment des travaux sur le développement de briques technologiques dans le domaine des technologies dites tandems. Avec

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FIT Book 2021 des French Institutes of Technology #FIT est en ligne !

[Innovation et Transfert de technologies] Le FIT Book 2021 des French Institutes of Technology #FIT est en ligne ! Ce book présente les 15 instituts français de transition énergétique (ITE) et de recherche technologique (IRT) à travers 70 success stories. >>Découvrez les succes stories technologiques & d’action de filière de l’ITE Institut Photovoltaïque d’Ile-de-France (IPVF) Téléchargez le livret 👉 >>Chiffres 2020 : 700 membres et partenaires privés, 300 membres académiques et 50 collectivités partenaires,

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Webinaire IPVF UNITE – Casser les coûts des cellules solaires III-V

MERCREDI 23 JUIN 2021 À 11H00 (CEST)   Vous pouvez dès à présent revoir le webinaire en replay en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous :   Les cellules solaires multi-jonctions III-V sous concentration solaire détiennent actuellement les records de taux de conversion de la lumière en électricité (>47%). Bien qu’elles aient des rendements plus élevés que les technologies concurrentes, ces cellules solaires sont considérablement plus coûteuses en raison des techniques et des matériaux de

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IPVF International Day of Light Contest

The international day of light (IDL) is a worldwide event created in 2015 by UNESCO to commemorate the role light plays in science, culture and art, education, sustainable development, and in fields as diverse as medicine, communications, and energy. The IDL is celebrated on May 16th in honor of the anniversary of the first successful operation of the laser in 1960 by physicist and engineer, Theodore Maiman. The celebration allows many different sectors of society worldwide

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L’énergie solaire photovoltaïque : nouvelles perspectives européennes

L’Institut Photovoltaïque d’Île-de-France (IPVF) s’engage pour faire de la recherche et de l’innovation pour ses clients un véritable levier de performance économique pour ses clients, et pour permettre à l’Europe d’asseoir un positionnement fort et cohérent dans son ambition de transition énergétique. Le point avec Roch Drozdowski-Strehl, directeur général de l’IPVF et vice-président de la European Technology & Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics (ETIP PV). L’Institut Photovoltaïque d’Île-de-France (IPVF) a pour ambition de devenir un acteur incontournable

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Join IPVF at the workshop “Strength through Cooperation: Europe’s PV value chain working together.” on 9 June 2021

IPVF CEO Roch DROZDOWSKI-STREHL and Program 1 Leader Lars OBERBECK will be participating to the workshop “Strength through Cooperation: Europe’s PV value chain working together.” on 9 June 2021. EUREC’s public workshop “Europe’s PV Value Chain Working Together,” which was co-organised by Radovan Kopecek (ISC Konstanz) and supported by Simon Philipps (FhG-ISE) and Ingrid Weiss (WIP Renewable Energies), will be held on 9 June from 13:30 to 16:30 CET. The online workshop will focus on

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Industry and researchers discuss clean innovation with Ireneusz Zyska, the Polish Secretary of State for renewable sources.

Warsaw, 21-05-2021. A digital meeting took place on the 18th of May between the Ministry of Climate and Environment and representatives from the renewables and sustainable technology sectors to discuss clean innovation in Poland. The Secretary of State Ireneusz Zyska was accompanied by his colleagues from the Ministry of Climate and Environment Marcin Ścigan who is Director of the Renewable Energy Department and Miłosz Węgrzyn who is an Energy Advisor. The delegates representing the renewable

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Solar PV Big & Beyond – Delivering the 2030 climate targets to Europe

Brussels, 21 May 2021 Solar PV Big & Beyond – Delivering the 2030 climate targets to Europe Annual ETIP PV Conference 2021 had a total of over 700 participants The EU must move towards a climate-neutral economy ETIP PV supports all activities and steps to make Europea leader in green energy and to build an independent, clean energy supply ETIP PV has published “The European Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Photovoltaics” for public consultation

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ETIP PV Annual Conference video presentation : ‘Solar PV Big & Beyond’ – Delivering the 2030 Climate Targets

The program of the #ETIPPV Annual Conference ‘Solar PV Big & Beyond’ is out. Register for free at to find out how new developments in #PV can not only make us #Fitfor55 but also how they can contribute to achieving climate neutrality in Europe before 2050. ‘The world knows that #solarenergy is a key to the energy trilemma by bringing closer together affordability, reliability and sustainability’ Get all latest insights from the best EU

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Updating the 2020 New Industrial Strategy: Building a stronger Single Market for Europe’s recovery

“The market expansion and global growth in demand for wind turbines, solar PV panels, and smart energy technologies is a key opportunity, as greater scale should bring lower energy costs for industry as well as society at large. The Commission welcomes efforts to scale up manufacturing of these technologies in the EU, such as the industry-led European Solar Initiative. The Commission is also working on ecodesign measures for solar panels, including possible requirements on carbon

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Plateforme IPVF : 4 pôles au service de la recherche et de l’industrie

Grâce à sa plateforme technologique structurée en 4 pôles, l’Institut Photovoltaïque d’Ile-de-France permet aux chercheurs, industriels, et start-ups de tous horizons d’accéder à des connaissances, des savoir-faire, ainsi qu’à des équipements de recherche de pointe. Abrités dans 3 500 m² de salles propres, nos équipements permettent une approche inédite des objets complexes, avec des moyens multi-échelles et multi-paramètres. L’IPVF apporte ainsi une expertise unique bien au-delà du seul secteur photovoltaïque. Si vous vous posez des

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Journée de la Terre, le jeudi 22 avril 2021 – dossier CNRS

À l’occasion de la Journée de la Terre, le jeudi 22 avril 2021, le CNRS nous permet de retrouver un florilège de recherches pour « réparer » le monde. En effet, si les scientifiques livrent des diagnostics sur les crises environnementales, ils tentent aussi d’apporter des solutions qui, sans prétendre sauver le monde, peuvent contribuer à en atténuer les effets et nous aider à nous adapter aux bouleversements en cours. Voici un passionnant dossier du

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Measuring the active dopant concentration at nanoscale !

Doping, a fundamental property of semiconductor devices can be measured at nanoscale thanks to long term developments made by IPVF-C2N researchers. In a twin papers published in Phys. Rev. Applied they report how to calibrate cathodeluminescence (CL) measurements to analyze p-type and n-type GaAs thin films over a wide range of carrier concentrations (2×1017 to 1×1019 cm-3). Then, they applied this calibration to analyze the doping concentration profiles in GaAs NWs. High-resolution maps of the

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IPVF at the Tandem PV Workshop – April 13th – 16th 2021

Photovoltaics (PV) is rapidly becoming one of the most important energy sources for a clean and widespread energy supply. In 2019 alone, 120GWp of PV capacity was installed globally. Every country has now realized that PV is not only the best solution ecologically, but also increasingly economically, with an average levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of around 3ct/kWh, and in some cases as little as 1-2ct/kWh. End 2020 IEA declared PV the cheapest energy source

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