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Key sample information

Maximum Sample Size: 5×5 cm²
Maximum Sample Height:  1 cm

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Practical information

Manufacturer: ThermoScientific
Model: K-Alpha+
Minimum training time to use the machine: In-depth training

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What is it for?

XPS spectrometers provide elemental and chemical  information of various materials (solids, powders, polymers, etc.) with a lateral resolution of 10 to 600 μm and a depth of analysis less than 10 nm.
Higher depths can be reached by profiling using  ionic abrasion (mono or polyatomic). Angular analysis is also possible. Flood gun compensation allows the study of conductive but also insulating materials. Various materials (solids, powders, polymers, etc.) with a lateral resolution of 10 to 600 μm and a depth of analysis of less than 10 nm.

How does it work?

Spectra are obtained by irradiating a solid surface with a X-rays beam while simultaneously measuring the kinetic energy of electrons that are emitted from the top 1-10 nm of the material being analyzed. A spectrum is recorded by counting ejected electrons over a range of electron kinetic energies. The energies and intensities of the photoelectron peaks enable identification and quantification of all surface elements (except hydrogen).

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