Maximum Sample Size: 5×5 cm2 (can be adjusted)
Maximum Sample Height: 5 cm
All types of materials
Manufacturer: Agilent
Model: Cary 5000
Tool can be used by everybody providing a short training
Spectrometry covers a wide range of applications. If our lab environment is dedicated to materials testing and research (reflectance of solar cells, thin-film thickness analysis, AR coating analysis, novel composite materials analysis, color measurements, color matching, optical density, optical filters, safety eye wear…), the spectrophotometer can be useful for various other fields: quantitative analysis of strongly absorbing liquid media or spectroelectrochemical measurements for reduction of CO2, assessment of crop condition, study of paints and effects of pigments, analysis of potential sun blocking agents, analysis of heavy metals in water…
Cary 5000 Spectrophotometer, with following properties and accessories:
The tool compares a reference beam of light with a beam of light getting through the sample or reflected at its surface. Thanks to interferometry and numerical calculations, absorption/reflection spectra can be drawn or deduced with high resolution and low noise.