Hyperspectral – Photon etc.

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Key sample information

Maximum Sample Size: 20×20 cm2

Materials to investigate

All types of semiconductors and solar cells

More information about PV material.

Practical information

Manufacturer: Photon etc.

More information our training policy.

What is it for?

Hyperspectral imaging allows for measuring light emission properties on each point of a material placed under managed excitation conditions.  Ultrafast imaging by streak cameras.


At IPVF, we manage numerical models that will allow in depth understanding of luminescence levels and spectra obtained on each point of the material surface. This gives previous information on defect types, loss mechanisms and many more physical phenomena at stake. A precious know-how when struggling with theoretical efficiency limits predicted by physics.

How does it work?

Defect luminescence, thermalization effects…


We have 3 different setups at IPVF that will allow to probe samples from small soze (few mm²) up to modules.

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