Maximum Sample Size: 15×15 cm²
Maximum Sample Height: 1 cm
Manufacturer: Horiba
Model: Profiler 2
Tool can be used by everybody providing a training
We have two setups, with one equipped with DIP
An Argon (Ar) plasma is formed directly at the surface of the sample. Ar Ions etch the sample and obliterated elements react with the plasma and emit specific light. A precise analysis of the emitted light reveals which atoms have been etched and directly gives the elemental composition of the sample. A comparison with reference curves can be used to measure how much of each element has been etched, and derive the quantitative amounts of every materials. For samples that are not reacting to Ar plasma, one of our 2 setups is equipped with Ar+O2 more powerful plasma (O2 also allows for a variety of chemical reactions that lead to compounds easier to detect during the plasma analysis).
Combination of abrasion plasma with photon emission spectroscopy.
Low energy, high flux incident ions give minimum damage to sample.
Analysis time: 10 min / sample
Resolution: 10 ppm on metal