IPVF Scientific Day 2024


📍 Yesterday was the IPVF’s annual Scientific Day. 🙌 Congratulations to the organizers, Prof. Pere Roca and Sonia H. in particular for putting together such a high-level program, so smoothly executed.

🙏 A huge thank you to all the participants, especially our keynote speakers Prof. jacky even, Prof. Dr. Christoph Josef Brabec, Dr. Yinghuan Kuang, Prof. Aldo Di Carlo, Gérard Creuzet and Dr. Florian Hilt.

🤝 Thank you to EDF for welcoming us to the magnificent Marcel Boiteux campus in Saclay.

INSA Rennes | Institut FOTON | Institute i-MEET | University of Rome Tor Vergata | Joint Research Unit IPVF

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